
13 Little Known Facts About Kenya

Little known facts about Kenya

Kenya has been on the peddle in recent years when it comes to World affairs! The country bordered by the Indian Ocean in the coastal wing boasts of some breathtaking sceneries, whether it's the vast pool of animal species or the great rifts! Without further delay, let's dive into the 13 Interesting facts about Kenya.

1. The American Connection

Obama and his relatives in Kenya

Kenya-USA ties have been deep-rooted since way back, but Barack Obama cemented that! In Kenya, he's called the "son of the soil." Why so? It's because his paps is a Kenyan!

2. Tea production

Tea farming in Kenya

After India and China, Kenya is the largest producer of tea globally.

3. Nairobi National Park

Nairobi National Park

Kenya is the only state/country globally to house a national park in a capital city!

4. Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth

While in the "Treetop Hotel" in Kenya, Elizabeth became the queen after the demise of King George VI, her father. After receiving the news, she had to go back home.

5. Hollywood


Films like "The Ghost and the Darkness" and "The Constant Gardener" are some of the Hollywood films shot in the Republic of Kenya.

6. Roses Production

Roses in Kenya

Globally, Kenya commands the most significant rose production numbers. If I am not wrong, this only means valentine's Day solely depends on Kenyans, right?

7. Cradle of Mankind

Human fossils found in Kenya

No other state or country in the broader Africa has over 1000 human fossil remains other than Kenya. In addition, Kenya has a human remain of about 7 million years, which is the oldest in the world.

8. Lake Turkana

Lake Turkana

Globally, the lake is the largest desert/alkaline lake.

9. UNESCO Sites

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kenya

Kenya has about seven heritage sites recognized by UNESCO as of physical and cultural importance.

10. Siri


The word "Siri" is a Swahili word that means "secret." Adam Cheyer, the co-founder of the Apple product, was pleased with the Kenyan word and even wanted to name his daughter after it.

11. Generosity

Kenyans voted the most generous in 2018 in the world

In 2018, a report by the World Giving Index recognized Kenya as the most generous state in Africa.

12. Hakuna Matata (No worries, easygoing)

Lion King

Have you watched "Lion King"? If so, you've heard the phrase "Hakuna Matata," right? Well, the word is a Swahili tagline that originated from the beautiful country, Kenya! It can mean "no worries" or " easygoing."

13. Crying Stone

Crying stone in Kenya

In a town called "Kakamega" in Kenya, a unique stone emanates a water streak that makes it appear like a person crying.


Kenya is arguably the Globe's leading destination in terms of safaris. Please make an effort and see all this personally!

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