
Signs that prove someone truly loves you

Signs that prove someone truly loves you

Have you ever been in that “catch 22” moment where you are not sure if  that person loves you or they have other hidden intentions? It's somehow a good place to be since it comes with excitement attached to it! In this article we are going to tackle all the signs that can help you to be sure if  someone truly loves you.


Do you forget about your insecurities whenever you are together? If the person is not bothered by your differences then this means a lot! I believe whenever someone is in love he/she will never care about your shortcomings.


Do they listen to your silly stories or jokes? It's true sometimes we really suck! If they actually follow through to the end of whatever you're passing across and give feedback, he/she definitely feels something for you!


Sometimes we go through difficult moments in life and have no one to take us through it, if the person encourages you till the end then he's down for you!


Can they open the closet and tell you their dark secrets? If they share with you their personal lives without regret, it's possible they have feelings for you.


Does the person go out of his/her own way to make you feel special? Can he/she jump  out of the plane to save you? If so, there's love!


Can you handle tasks together? If you're able to complement one another’s abilities without compromise, it's safe to conclude that love is in the air!

The person is always happy around you

If the person always has a smile on his/her face whenever around you even in serious occasions then be sure he/she loves you.

He/she never forgets about little things

“I still remember the day we were rained on trying to snick into the park”. 

It's always the little things that count! If they remember such moments, don't hesitate, they love you.

They introduce you to their important people

If I truly love you, I will be willing to take you home and introduce you to my family. This actually shows how the person is committed to you.

The person talks about the future 

If he/she has included you in their future plans then you're a step away from the love of your life. Take the chance!

Your moods are interdependent 

Is he/she happy when you’re or vice versa ? If two people are in love with eachother then chances are, moods will always correlate.


If a day doesn’t end without them throwing complements your way then that is a sign of love!


A person who is in love with you will not play down your opinions but will respect them.

Personal Space

We always have those periods where we don't want people around us, if the person is ready to respect that then that’s a sign of genuine love.


Consider someone loves you if he/she exhibits such signs but remember there are fake people around!

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