
Break-Up: Identifying The Problem And Moving On

Breakup: identifying the problem and moving on

A breakup can make you or break you! Sometimes if it doesn't work, don't try to fix it; you might end up being wrecked!


"It's not working out for any of us; I think we need to end this!"....this is an example of a statement you are likely to get from someone who wants to wind up a relationship with you!

Immediately after that, you switch to a mode where you start asking yourself questions, questions like:

"Have I done anything wrong?"

"Did he/she go through my phone and found a suggestive message?"

"Has my star stopped shining, and my flare has gone?"

"Has he/she found a better person than me?"


This moment is the worst place to be, especially if you're not mentally stable. Imagine someone you invested your time, emotions, and life in walks up to you and calls it to quit; it isn't easy at all!

Sometimes we do things the right way, but we can't always impress everyone. You may not have done anything wrong on your side to warrant a breakup, maybe you weren't meant for each other, and your partner realized that before you!


In this article, we delve into various ways to identify possible causes of breakups and also ways in which you can move on from a failed relationship. Without further ado...


7 Possible Causes of a Break-Up

1. No love Anymore

A weak love bond can never sustain the test of time, and it's bound to break! You might love someone today but wake up tomorrow, and everything has wholly shifted; this happens especially when the love wasn't genuine; we often mistake lust for love! When love vanishes, a breakup is inevitable!

2. Infidelity

In recent years, cheating or any form of infidelity leads to the collapse of many relationships! 

So if your partner cheats, can you forgive them?

That's a question that has no direct answer...but there's always a 95% likelihood that infidelity in a relationship will lead to a breakup.

3. Mental Issues

We all have our breaking points when it comes to mental issues; most of the time, we're unable to overcome them! If you're emotionally detached from your partner either due to stress or any other mental issue, the strong bond you shared is weakened. This propels a break up!

4. Finances

We're in a generation where money talks! Allow me to be biased for a moment; women are more concerned with finances in comparison to men. Why so? This is because women fancy lush lifestyles, so if she feels you cannot guarantee her that, she will likely end the relationship! But, if a woman genuinely loves you, finances to her won't be a priority.

5. Peer Pressure

Statistics have it that you're more likely to listen to advice from your peers regarding your relationship. In simple terms, "seeking approval." If your peers don't like your partner, chances are, you will heed their perspective/views, and you may end up putting an end to the relationship!

6. Behavior

Have you heard people who feel disgusted when a person squeezes a toothpaste container the wrong way? Haha, simple things can end your relationship! 

7. Ambitions/Goals

Can you stay with someone who doesn't subscribe to your plans/goals? Well, someone who doesn't value your ambitions will never appreciate you as a person! It would help if you stuck to a partner who can help you achieve your goals unconditionally. If the goal post shifts, it's unlikely that the relationship will venture on for long.


How Can You Move On?

There's no specific mechanism for this. This is because everyone reacts differently to breakups; you'll have to battle it through your own unique ways.

But here's a list of some actions you can take to move on...

1. Completely Cut Ties With Your Former Partner!

A wound that is often opened will never heal! If you continue seeing the person who inflicted the emotional wounds you're nursing in your heart, then you'll need regular dressing... take a flight, and if you live in the same vicinity, move out!

2. Go out More

Stats have it that people who have a vibrant social life tend to experience minor mental breakdowns. When you go out often, you open yourself to meeting new people, people who can change your perspective of life. What if you meet a new person???

3. Make Peace With That Partner

A few breakups happen for a genuine reason. If things don't work out anymore, why should you hold on? And if a partner wants a way out amicably, let them be! Let it go and make peace with each other.

4. Stop Stalking Them!

Erase anything that has their memories or connections. That trauma you have will never cease if you dwell in the past. Why are you in a rush to see what they post on their IG, Tik Tok, or Facebook??? Stop it!!!! They already decided you're of no importance to them...

5. Don't Find Solace In Drinking

Alcohol will always be a quick fix for your'll wake up the next day with a hangover, but still, the problems will be knocking at your door! Alcoholism will be your next headache, and please desist!!!


A breakup is good and evil, but you're the one to decide on that. Remember, any action you take will lead you to something... make lemonade when lemons are plenty!!!

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